International Society of Travel Medicine
Office hours: Monday - Friday, 9.00 - 17.00 EDT (UTC-04)

Groups & Committees

ISTM offers three types of volunteer activities for Members to become active within the organisation, network with their colleagues and contribute to the field.

ISTM Committees

ISTM Committees support ISTM activities and projects. They are chartered and tasked by the Executive Board following established guidelines. Current ISTM Committees include:

ISTM Professional Groups

ISTM Professional Groups are self-organized groups of 50 or more non-physician members with a common professional degree. ISTM Professional Groups also share information of interest, produce educational materials, have special gatherings during ISTM meetings, and promote the communication of professionals in travel medicine around the world.

ISTM Interest Groups

ISTM Interest Groups are self-organized groups of 25 or more members with a common professional interest usually pertaining to a single sub-group of travellers or a single issue affecting large groups of travellers. ISTM Interest Groups conduct research, share information, produce educational materials and develop training opportunities.