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ISTM Refugee Crisis Statement
The ISTM Statement on the Current Refugee Crisis:
The International Society of Travel Medicine (ISTM) is deeply concerned about the global burden of displaced persons, which is higher now than at any time since the end of World War II. The leadership of ISTM endorses the sentiments of the UN High Commission for Refugees in its statement on the current conflict in Ukraine.
Conflicts threaten the integrity of health systems. We are mindful of the obstacles that people fleeing war zones and violence face. At this time, the deterioration of health from disrupted care and treatment may be further complicated by the possible resurgence of infectious diseases, including COVID-19.
ISTM is committed to promoting healthy, safe, and responsible travel and movement of all people crossing borders in times of peace and strife. We call on the travel medicine community to respond appropriately and with compassion towards the health needs of all people who are displaced.